The easy way to hire Services!

Do whatever service you desire! Hire a DJ for your party. Refurbish your home. Meet the perfect Catering service. Yes, it's possible to accomplish all of this and much more with Fixando.

Tell us what you need done and we'll present you up to 5 rated professionals within 48 hours.

Afterwards, you only need to compare and hire the right Professional for you. As simple as that!

How does Fixando work?

1. We present to you the right Professionals

Tell us the service you need by answering to a few specific questions. We'll share those details with experienced Professionals who can complete your project.

2. Compare the Professionals

Within few hours, you'll be contacted by interested Professionals who will pay Fixando to send you a quote. You'll receive up to 5 quotes. Each one includes:

  • Estimated budget
  • Personalized message
  • Professional's Profile
  • Professional's Contact
  • Customer Reviews

3. Hire the right Professional

Compare the received quotes. If you need further info, contact the Professionals. When you're ready, choose the right Professional for you!

Ready to give it a try?

How does Fixando works?
Fixando is an online platform which makes finding tradespeople easy. Do you have a project you want to start? Whether you want to renovate your house, learn a language, or find a dog kennel, we can help! Make a request on Fixando, our professionals are waiting!
I need a job done, how do I make a request?
To make a request, you just need to enter the service you need into the search bar on our homepage. Before submitting your request, you will be asked some questions about what you want done. The more information you provide, the better the quotes you receive will be!
Do I have to pay to make a request?
No, our customers can use Fixando completely free of charge!
How do I know that I can trust a professional?
Once you receive a quote, you can look at that professional’s profile, where you will find photos of their previous work, certificates, and reviews from previous customers. This will help you make the best choice!